BlackLite (c) 2003 Nick Vanderevldt, artwork by Eric Macneil

What is BlackLite?

BlackLite is a light weight desktop enviroment, a collection of tools, linked together via a common set of scripts. It is attractive, portable (written in perl), and usable. It has everything a desktop needs, and nothing a desktop doesn't need. No over the top eye-candy, no processor-cycle sucking, battery draining, "applets". Just desktop. And lots of it.

Why BlackLite?

Why not?

BlackLite's Status

BlackLite is currently under planning, though there is a pre-alpha release available for download from, I am not entirely pleased with it's general feel. The current release is version 0.0.2, the current version being developed is 0.1, if all goes as planned a beta will be available within a month. Development updates might come slowly from time to time, as I am the sole developer on this project, and the list of tasks just keeps growing.

BlackLite Features

While I don't consider BlackLite to be a feature rich desktop, it does have the following features:

Planned Updates/Features 

BlackLite is meant to be a somewhat minimalistic interpretation of what a desktop should be. While there are something included in BlackLite that are not minimalistic, they are there for ease of use and functionality puproses. Here are somethings that BlackLite will have before it reaches a major release number:


The latest screenshot of BlackLite in action: Logo